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E-cigarettes Ban would Put Off Smokers Quitting

28th July 2016

E-cigarettes ban could be damaging. 

A health official from Public Health England has said:

“A ban on using e-cigarettes in public places could be damaging. It may put off smokers from using e-cigarettes to help them quit”.

This comment was in response to a medic at the British Medical Association’s annual meeting, asking for them to be banned in bars, cafés, restaurants, museums and schools.

A Director of Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco at Public Heath England has stated:

“Vaping is not the same as smoking.

Second-hand smoke is harmful, but there is no evidence that e-cigarette vapour carries the same harms.

Infact a ban on using e-cigarettes in public places could be damaging. It may put off smokers from using e-cigarettes to help them quit”.

A consultant in public health has also said that although we don’t know for sure the long term effects of vaping, they are “probably safe in short-term use” and that they are “undoubtedly safer than cigarettes”. “Being such new products in the industry we don’t have evidence on long-term use”.

The proposals were referenced which means they have been noted but will not be an official British Medical Association policy.

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