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E-Cigs Have You Tried Them?

1st August 2013

E-Cigs Have You Tried Them?

Electronic cigarettes look stylish, do not emit tobacco smoke, do not contain tar or carbon monoxide, do not smell, have no flame so do not burn, and are the perfect alternative to tobacco smoking! How many more reasons do you need to use these?

A lot of users have switched over to the electronic version of cigarettes, but there has been constant debates over this issue.

Still the use of electronic cigarettes is increasing despite the latest regulation by the UK government that would make it available as medicine and will be given as prescriptions by medical practitioners to those smokers who are thinking of quitting. As we have discussed before, this is not something we agree with.

None of these statements has stopped users from using the electronic cigarettes and their popularity continues to grow. This is seen in recent statistics where users of smokeless cigarettes have increased tremendously. So much so that many health practitioners are stating that within 5-10 years, the UK might see an end to the use of tobacco – we can only hope!

Quality e-cigs are available through our store and they come with an array of components and multiple flavours to choose from.