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No increase in teenagers vaping

14th April 2016

Again, there are more reports showing no increase in teenagers taking up vaping.

vaping allowedThere have been many news stories and more recently a report by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention. There was concern that the E-Cigarette encourages teenagers to vape.

However, a more recent study has revealed that teenagers are noticing the e-cigarette advertisements. There is no direct correlation to them using it or a rise in teenagers taking up vaping.

Reports on the increase in vaping use is showing to be for smokers who want to stop. They do not encouraging teenagers to start.

Another recent study from the University of Cambridge agrees with this as they asked nearly 500 children between 11 and 16 whether they were likely to try vaping or smoking after seeing adverts for e-cigarette.

According to the study the children were not tempted to take up vaping by watching the adverts. The National Institute of Drug Abuse based in US has also reported that over 50% of teenagers who do smoke e-cigarettes do not use an e-liquid that has nicotine in it anyway.

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More positive reports that vaping is helping smokers rather than encouraging youngsters to start smoking or vaping.



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