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Surprise! EU Says E-Cigarettes Should be Taxed like Tobacco

2nd March 2015
In a very predictable move, EU bureaucrats have re-actively proposed a way to achieve tax ‘parity’ between conventional tobacco and e-cigarettes, most likely on e-liquids. The increased levy they propose would mean adding something like 57% value-added tax to products. The
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Try out our new Tobacco Flavour!

27th February 2015
Ecigaretteweb recently added a new realistic tobacco flavour. It is rich and realistic, giving a satisfying throat hit. See more here
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The Science of E-cigarette Formaldehyde

26th February 2015
The point of an e-cig is not, firstly, to get people hooked on nicotine. It was invented for a simple purpose, and that was to create a low temperature vaporiser that could deliver nicotine much more safely to people who were
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The Formaldehyde Myth

24th February 2015
Myth 1 – e-cigarettes produce formaldehyde at dangerous levels. The truth is crucially different. Only certain e-cigarettes MAY produce formaldehyde and under certain conditions. Most will not. Myth 2 – the formaldehyde seen exclusively in exceptional circumstances represents a cancer risk
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The Vaping Revolution Has Only Just Begun

19th February 2015
In spite of current hurdles (which are mainly hysterical and misleading media reactions to science), vaping is the future. Vaping will evolve, and it will re-adjust to its original path as a safe nicotine/chemical delivery technology based on low atomiser temperatures.
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Cinnamon Flavours to be avoided

17th February 2015
Whilst E-liquids inhaled as vapour do have some cell stress inducing effects, i.e. propylene glycol is a slight irritant unless you are allergic to it, the impact is much less than for smoking. One factor that has been emerging over the
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Normal Vaping is Safe

12th February 2015
There’s two types of vaping, and e-cig device. The first and original, was built for the purpose of atomising a nicotine carrier at the lowest possible temperature so it can be inhaled, because it was clear that the toxins produced in
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The Truth on Vaping Dangers

10th February 2015
Many worries have been voiced about vaping since it has taken off and become a common sight in our environment. Those that have been raised include the following, to which I have put rebuttals afterwards; Ecig vapour is a risk to
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Smokers Being Harmed by Alarmist Coverage of E-Cigarettes

5th February 2015
A new study shows that the medias implausible coverage of vaping is effecting smokers and keeping them hooked on conventional tobacco. There is only one winner and that is Big Tobacco – it’s time for some healthy cynicism of the medias
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Excellent Reuters report lays it out

3rd February 2015
Great article on the the science of E-cigs. The best data supports that e-cigarettes are effective quit aids and are generally safe (higher power, dry-running second generation designs not withstanding, over which there are some question marks). We are pleased to
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