China – Electronic cigarette market predicted to soar
14th February 2014
China is where most electronic cigarettes are produced, however despite this and the fact that it was invented there, it may surprise some to know that it is a relatively small market in China compared to the US and Europe. China
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Tribunal for sacked worker in e-cigarette case
11th February 2014
We wrote a blog recently on the sacking of an employee after he was found to be vaping at work. Paul Scott of Carshalton was fired from the waste disposal company where he worked but insists that Viridor, his employer, had
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Catwalk model smokes ecig on runway
7th February 2014
At a recent major UK fashion show, a male model reaches the halfway point of the runway and takes an e-cigarette from his pocket and begins vaping in front of the audience. The model, wearing a collection from British menswear brand
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New Scientist – Scientist’s findings misinterpreted
4th February 2014
European Union regulators have been accused by 15 prominent scientists of misinterpreting their results in a bid to bring in unnecessary regulations on electronic cigarettes. In a letter to the EU’s health commissioner Tonio Borg the scientists state that heavy handed
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E-Cigarettes to be banned for Under 18s
31st January 2014
The Government have announced a ban on under 18s from buying e-cigarettes as well as a ban on anyone buying tobacco on behalf of someone under 18. There will be a fixed penalty notice or large fine for those ignoring this
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Tonight – The Rise of the E-Cigarette
29th January 2014
ITV’s Tonight programme recently featured the hotly debated subject of electronic cigarettes and examined new findings. Chris Choi spoke to both supporters and critics and provided viewers with information particularly regarding the health debate. However, much of the information provided was
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2014 A Crucial Year For Vaping
24th January 2014
2014 is predicted to be an important year in the e-cigarette industry both here and in the US. Whilst it’s difficult to predict what changes will eventually be made, it is clear that any regulations brought in will create a backlash
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Royal College of Physicians and GPs back electronic cigarettes as a safer alternative
21st January 2014
Some GPs and the Royal College of Physicians have come forth and said that electronic cigarettes are a safer alternative to smoking. As reported by the Daily Mail (link below), studies carried out suggest that they are the most effective aid
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Very Special Offer on Delivery
17th January 2014
We are currently offer Free UK dlivery on all orders over £50 until the end of January 2014.
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New Year – New Resolutions
10th January 2014
The start of a new year always brings with it a new resolve for change. Whether it’s to become fitter, lose weight, or save money, most people start with an ideal of something they would like to change. Giving up smoking
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