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US decline in smoking “Very dramatic and very encouraging”

23rd April 2015
US decline in smoking “Very dramatic and very encouraging” So says the president of anti-smoking organisation Legacy, Robin Koval (see here). The latest government figures shows something that is both good and bad for vaping. In America, smoking has hit an
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E-cigarette Use Grows Whilst Smoking Declines, New Study

22nd April 2015
An encouraging trend, says University of Buffalo professor of community health and health behavior, Lynn Kozlowski… See the University press release here. Reports are circulating that teenage experimentation with e-cigarettes continues to grow in the US. Studies in other countries haven’t
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The Chemicals of Addiction

15th April 2015
So we all know that nicotine is addictive. But what is not so well known is that research has discovered that many other chemicals can increase addictiveness of a given compound, and that by itself, nicotine is roughly as addictive as
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The Sorry Tale of the California Department of Public Health

13th April 2015
Another Scientist with scathing opinions on Public ‘Health’ policies regarding e-cigarettes, and a very interesting blog too!
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Hon Lik E Cigarette Inventor

The Story of E-Cigarettes

6th April 2015
E-Cigarettes in their modern guise were invented by a Chinese pharmacist called Hon Lik, a graduate of Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The reasons why he wanted to invent this device are extremely interesting to know, and it’s a tale
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Dr. Gopal Bhatnagar, the Heart Surgeon who endorses Vaping

2nd April 2015
Dr. Gopal Bhatnagar, the Heart Surgeon who endorses Vaping. More experience on the real-world promise of e-cigarettes to improve the health of smokers. And he makes some great points on the e-cig industry. We certainly are not advocating e-cigarettes to kids,
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E-Cigarettes are Orders of Magnitude Safer than Cigarettes, says new Study

31st March 2015
Dr Farsilanos (full disclosure, does get some funding from e-cig industry donations, but is nevertheless highly regarded as a scientist in the field) and his team, have just had a research paper published showing that key toxins and carcinogens in tobacco
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New Dawn For Vapers Begins

30th March 2015
Although our customers have never expressed any interest in this product, we are still interested in what it will do for the image and health impacts of electronic vaping devices. Up until now, vaping has been about nicotine – not increasing
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Discover Magazine Looks at Nicotine

25th March 2015
Since the debate on the supposed dangers of tobacco has been conveniently shifted to nicotine since e-cigs have removed nearly all other substances of concern, and the quality of the debate from anti-tobacco lobbyists has been scientific dross, on the whole,
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Youtube Interview of Dr Farsalinos

23rd March 2015
Youtube Interview of Dr Farsalinos. Leading pro e-cig scientist Dr Farsalinos talks about how he got into e-cig medical research, and more…
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