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Calling Obama Attention to FDA Regulation on Electronic Cigarettes

5th February 2013
Calling Obama Attention to FDA Regulation on Electronic Cigarettes. You must be aware of The White House’s ‘We The People’ website that has captured the attention of millions of people in a relatively short time. People usually begin a petition which
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Tips for Cleaning an Electronic Cigarette

1st February 2013
No doubt the popularity of electronic cigarettes is increasing with each passing day, but do you know how to clean the one? Here with a set of easy to follow instructions for cleaning your electronic cigarettes. Begin with cleaning the surrounding
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Do You Vape Different Flavours

19th January 2013
Usually, smokers who smoke tobacco cigarettes have to stick to the same flavour day in and day out. Smokers who prefer to use electronic cigarettes are spoiled with a wide variety of choice in flavours to lift their smoking experience. According
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What comes out of an Electronic Cigarette?

15th January 2013
The popularity of electronic cigarettes is increasing day by day. However, every person wants to know exactly what electronic cigarette vapour is. It is definitely not smoke and still a number of questions surround it. To clear up the doubts of
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How to Select the best Electronic Cigarette Manufacturer

9th January 2013
With the rising popularity of electronic cigarettes, one can easily find many manufacturers. Therefore, it becomes quite a daunting task for the people to find a genuine producer of electronic cigarettes. The world of electronic cigarette is not all white and
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The Soaring Popularity of Electronic Cigarettes

24th December 2012
For all the smokers out there, electronic cigarettes are undoubtedly the latest trend to smoke in style. Their popularity is growing day-by-day in the UK according to studies and figures. The recent figures from Action on Smoking (ASH) show that there
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6 Easy Steps to Refill an Electronic Cigarette

19th December 2012
Electronic cigarettes are the latest buzz in the marketplace and undoubtedly a craze among smokers! Containing liquid nicotine, this electronic device provides the sensation similar to smoking. They can be refilled with different flavours of liquid and save you from spending
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Vaping Introduces You to a Completely New Experience

30th November 2012
Vaping can introduce you to a completely new experience. It gives you a sensation similar to smoking and yet it is not exactly that. It reduces your level of craving for your daily nicotine dose, yet you save yourself money. Moreover,
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E-Liquid Apple

Electronic Cigarette Industry Continues to Grow Globally

26th November 2012
Electronic Cigarette Industry Continues to Grow Globally. More and more people vape. Market size is grawing. APAC expected to be the largest potential retail market by 2023. The UK is already witnessing a rapid increase in the consumer acceptance of electric
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E-Liquid Apple

Choosing Your E Liquid Flavour

20th November 2012
Electronic cigarettes are loved by smokers for many reasons including their versatility in terms of flavours. As a vaper, you won’t be stuck with the regular menthol flavours as found in traditional cigarettes. With e cigs you can explore a number
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